Thursday, March 29, 2018

Returning home

Photo By Nan Peters

Returning to the place I was born and living with only the very basic necessities has been the most incredible self-growth opportunity for me. Moving to Canada from Mexico when I was 8 was an amazing challenge for my family. My uncle Cornelius drove my parents and my seven siblings (mom was pregnant too) in his white pick up truck all the way to Canada.

We had no idea what kind of life we would be living. We soon grew accustomed to having two indoor washrooms, having light in every room, water in the kitchen and washrooms and we got to wear what we wanted to. We eventually all cut our hair, wore makeup, I was even planning on being a makeup artist, and then came my love affair with shoes. At one point I had more than 50 pairs. I lived for parties, nightclubs and my stilettos with the cutest outfits I could put together.

So soon we had completely changed our way of living and our way of thinking. I never realized how much until we returned last year for the first time since we had left. It was very emotional and so amazing. Now returning again for much longer and actually living with no water, lights, using a huge plastic container to bathe, sleeping on the floor has only made me more grateful. So much more grateful for everything in my life. I realized last year upon returning how much we live in a materialistic world. The past few years my desire to live very simply has really changed my way of thinking. I have let go of so many things, yes even my shoes.

Every trip I take, whether it's a road trip, an all-inclusive holiday, hiking adventure or camping trip, I mentally let go of so many material things I own. I realize that life is so short and the "American dream: is actually the furthest from my dream life. While I have always been so incredibly thankful for the people in my life but the "stuff" doesn't even matter. The dream I have is to live in a tiny house, with only the basic survival materials and to create a life of adventure and be surrounded by the most people. Chase your own dream!

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